Applications are now open for Firebirds 2025 - 2026. Please contact us on if you are interested in 2025-26 or in Fire Up! our introductory program to AIM.
Firebird Fellowship
The Firebird Fellowship is AIM's investment in teachers as the vital change agents for tackling inequality through music education.
What is the Firebird Fellowship?
Estamos aceptando solicitudes para la Beca inaugural de AIM en América Latina para profesores de habla hispana y portuguesa comprometidos con estudiantes en programas de música para la acción social. ¿Conoce a alguien que sacaría el máximo provecho de esta experiencia transformadora de enseñanza y aprendizaje? Si es así, por favor envíale el prospecto 2025. El plazo de admisión finaliza el 1 de marzo de 2025.
Estamos aceitando inscrições para a primeira bolsa de estudos da AIM na América Latina para professores de língua espanhola e portuguesa comprometidos com estudantes de música em programas de ação social. Você conhece alguém que gostaria de aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência transformadora de ensino e aprendizado? Se sim, envie a ele o prospecto de 2025. O prazo de elegibilidade é 1º de março de 2025!
We are now accepting applications for AIM’s inaugural Fellowship in Latin America for Spanish and Portuguese speaking teachers committed to students in music for social action programs. Do you know someone who would make the most from this transformative teaching and learning experience? If so, please send them the 2025 prospectus. Eligibility deadline is 1st March 2025!

Hear from our firebirds

“A equipa da AIM é muito atenciosa - mesmo online, fizemos "um só coração" para crescermos juntos. Isto faz com que seja seguro cometer e corrigir erros - tropeçar e levantar de novo.”
Bella, Firebird 2022, NEOJIBA

“Siento una profunda gratitud por tener la posibilidad de formar parte de esta familia que cada día cambia mi vida más y más en sentido positivo”.
Santiago, Firebird 2022, Iberacademy

"Me siento increíblemente orgulloso de seguir de cerca el crecimiento de AIM, y ahora de contribuir como coach. Este rol me permite compartir con otros educadores alrededor del mundo lo que he tenido el privilegio de aprender, retribuyendo a las comunidades a las que pertenezco, incluyendo AIM, mientras continuamos creciendo juntos."
Francis, Firebird 2021, El Sistema Greece

'I really believe that change is possible, that the way we teach has to change and I think it's a reality that is in our hands thanks to AIM.'
Susana Rivero Cangas, Firebird 2021, Reina Sofia School of Music

'It’s so important for my students to understand that they have rights and that they have agency and that they’re able to make a difference in the world no matter what their age is.'
Jeremy Watson, Firebird 2022, Paterson Music Project

“Quiero que mis alumnos tengan más herramientas, además de las musicales, para ser más autosuficientes en la vida más allá de la orquesta”.
Carlos, Firebird 2022, Sinfonia por el Peru

"AIM ha sido clave en la expansión y consolidación de mi perfil profesional, brindándome acceso a nuevas oportunidades para llevar mi pasión por la música y el arte a comunidades diversas y generar un impacto significativo".
Duván, Firebird 2022, Iberacademy

'Nuestra misión es plantar una semilla de cambio en cada colega, en cada alumno... el cambio tiene que producirse en cada uno de nosotros.'
Ana Gabriela Landaeta Ruíz, Firebird 2022, Sinfonia por el Peru

'My ultimate goal as a teacher is to be a mirror for my students—if I am a leader, they will become leaders; if I can teach, they will teach others; if I can solve problems, they will solve them too. I share everything I have - teaching music, coaching, conducting action research, and drawing knowledge from fellow Firebirds.'
Sekiranda Mouris, Firebird 2022, Brass for Africa
5 Destinations of AIM's Practice
5 Destinations articulate key areas of growth that Firebird Fellows are looking to activate in their students. Not only do these Destinations guide the Fellows’ approach to teaching towards student development outcomes, they also underpin AIM’s training approach for teachers, who deserve to experience the kinds of transformational learning they want to bring to their music spaces.
Timeline and Milestones so far

40 teachers from Music Programs in Latin America partner with AIM for the Firebird Fellowship
April 2025

2025-26 Firebird Fellows start online
August 2025

Firebird Fellows in-person Residency 2026 in Colombia
January 2026

Music Program leaders gather as a Leaders Circle
January 2026

Firebird Fellows begin their teaching and action research
February 2026

Firebird Fellows graduate and pass the flame to the next cohort
July 2026

2026-27 Firebird Fellows start online
April 2025

Alumni Program
August 2025